DBS People of Purpose & Social Career team-up to help the elderly celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival

mins read
June 6, 2022

Hong Kongers were coming together for celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival with family and friends. Although eased restrictions allow us to catch up with our loved ones, many elderly communities are still isolated from the rest of the community.  To ensure that they weren’t feeling forgotten during holiday weekend, Social Career teamed up with the DBSPeople of Purpose, a staff volunteering movement in DBS Bank, to show our support.

DBS People of Purpose’s volunteers in action making sachets and hand written greeting cards.


As many of you are aware, the Dragon Boat Festival is rich with tradition.  Apart from dumplings, boats and the occasional fun beverage, wearing sachets is one of the strongest traditions during Dragon Boat Festival. Sachets are said to ward off evil and pestilence, with the added benefit of repelling mosquitos!  


To celebrate this tradition, Social Career organized a Dragon Boat Festival sachet-making service and called on volunteers to come together and prepare sachets and handwritten cards. Social Career prepared the sachet materials in advance as a DIY pack for volunteers, ensuring that they were able to help others from the safety of their home or office. With the support from our NGO partners (listed below), the sachets were packed with hand sanitizers and over 1,000gift packs were successfully distributed to elderly in the community acrossHong Kong.


This activity was chosen as a way for volunteers to express their sympathy and care for the community. When asked about their kind contribution, Amy Wu, Executive Director and Head ofGroup Strategic Marketing and Communications at DBS Bank (Hong Kong) said, “Asa purpose-driven bank, DBS has always been actively involved in different types of volunteer service as to show the care to our community. In only a few days of launching the effort, over 450 of our colleagues offered to volunteer. Through our efforts, our volunteers not only had a lot of fun, but also shared love with the elderly.”


Matthew Tam, founder andCEO of Social Career said: “the project was launched to ensure the safety and health of our volunteers as the pandemic continues while giving people the opportunity to give back to the society and volunteer.  To support this, Social Career has launched several“micro-volunteering” and “home-volunteering” initiatives over the past few years, which offer volunteers a rich variety of projects that they can do to support the Hong Kong community.”


Many thanks to DBS People of Purpose and Social Career volunteers and partner NGOs, including Food Grace, Lok Kwan Social Service, The Hong Kong Society for the Aged (SAGE).

Volunteers packed the finished products together with hand sanitizer into gift packs.


Maphil (DBS People ofPurpose) and Virginia (Social Career) delivered gift packs to Lok Kwan Social Service Tsz Wan Shan Centre.

1,000 gift packs were distributed to the elderly in the Eastern, Wong Tai Sin and Kwai Tsing Districts to send festive blessings to the elderly.