Never Too Young 改變世界|維繫長期義工|童協基金會 Kids4Kids

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April 21, 2022


“We believe that you’re never too young to change the world.”-童協基金會創辦人Michele Lai(中文-「我們相信你永遠不會太年輕去改變世界。」)




童協基金會創辦人Michele Lai表示機構的主要服務對象和義工都是學生,並透過讀寫發展項目、伴讀項目和青年發展項目等嶄新的學習方式,將他們與社區連結一起。同時,機構亦舉辦「跨代共融」活動,由學生義工去教授長者使用Instagram、Facebook、Zoom和Whatsapp等電子平台和通訊工具,與外界和家人保持聯繫。

“We rely very heavily on volunteers and also that repeat volunteering engagement. And we work a lot with students from schools. So, through their school clubs, we recruit and engage them“



“I think that there is always a lot of noise out there in terms of trying to get attention and eyeballs. And so if we are able to promote ourselves more effectively through digital, it needs to be more targeted, and if we are able to understand using the data behind, then we can actually promote to the person that’s looking for the information more intentionally.”




“Kids4Kids, being a small NGO, we do not have the money to invest in large CRM systems. So historically, we’ve been using a lot of paper-based information, Excel, to keep our database, so we’re not able to provide very targeted data to promote our volunteering experiences.”



對於數碼轉型,童協基金會創辦人Michele Lai表示機構規模細,缺乏資源。過去只能靠紙張和試算表(Excel)記錄資料,難以整合成為具參考價值的數據,協助他們制定更有效的義工宣傳策略。但自2017年開始,童協基金會透過社職平台管理和招募義工,有系統性整合數據。

“It’s really a good system that provides us with one place to keep, manage the volunteering, and give the information in a very timely manner. So, that’s how we try to recruit and then keep them engaged and to repeat volunteering.”


“So through Social Career as a CRM, we hope that we can actually target the data much better and datamine, so that we can be more effective”





非常感謝Michele和機構同事參與是次拍攝,協助騰空拍攝空間和安排道具,Say Cheese!

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